How to Help Others on International Self-Care Day, July 24, 2024  

By: Irfan

22 July 2024

Share Self-Care Resources

Write helpful articles, create videos, or post infographics about self-care on social media using the hashtag #SelfCareDay. 

Start a Self-Care Conversation

Initiate a discussion about self-care with your friends, family, or colleagues. Ask them about their self-care practices and share your own.

Organizing Self-Care Events

Host a workshop, a yoga session, or a mindful meditation session to promote self-care practices.

Offer Practical Help

If someone is having problems or difficulties of some kind, help them carry out anything, for example, childcare, paying bills, a job offer, etc.

Be a Positive Influence

Encourage others to take breaks, prioritize their needs, and engage in activities that bring them joy.

Share Your Own Self-Care Routine

Talk about the things you do to take care of yourself, whether it's exercise, mindfulness, or spending time in nature.

Encourage Healthy Choices

Support others in making positive choices for their well-being, like eating nutritious food, getting enough sleep, or limiting screen time.

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