By Sadiya | July 28, 2024

6 Amazing Animals with More Than One Heart

1. Octopus  

Octopuses have three hearts to help them navigate the deep ocean efficiently.

2. Hagfish 

Hagfish have four hearts that help them live their unique, slime-producing way of life.

3. Squid 

Squids have three hearts, which help them swim quickly in the deep ocean.

4. Earthworm 

Earthworms have five pairs of heart-like structures called aortic arches that are important for their tunneling through soil.

5. Cockroach 

Cockroaches have a 13-chambered heart that helps them survive in many different environments.

6. Nautilus 

The nautilus has two pairs of hearts that help pump blood through its gills in the deep sea.

7 Colorful Insects Only Found in America